Well I've been a bit remiss recently with this blogging business. It was really easy in Australia as we were always doing new things and that made writing the blog a piece of cake. Here, although I'm trying to focus on new things, I'm finding that the weather, amongst other things is against me.

Acutally I can't really blame the weather. I've been doing a fair bit of point-and-shoot of late and I've been constantly surprised about how often the sun has shone and you can feel it beginning to gain warmth. Take this photo for example. This was from last week when my Mum and I went to Loch Lomond for the day and had lunch at the Duck Bay Marina. There wasn't a breath of air to be felt and it was jackets off in the car as there was real heat in the sunshine.
I think that the weather is reminding me a lot of that dry, crisp climate that you get in ski resorts around early March - cold mornings but warmish afternoons. With the sun blazing so much recently all I need is a glass of vin chaude and I'd be set.

However, there have been a few bad days like today where the wind is topping out at 30mph and the spray from the waves is coming right over the wall and into the garden again. The sun is still sporadically out though and it makes the waves more exciting than soul-destroying. I hope this picture gives you a better impression of what the elements can be like down here when they feel like it. The last one I took of the waves was at night and should have almost been left off the blog as the detail was soooo poor. I really need (or should I say "want") a better camera. I don't see myself being a famous photographer but I would like the opportunity to put the odd one on the wall - but this quality is... mediocre at best.

This chilling air and cloudless skies have made for some fantastic sunsets and being stuck in Skelmorlie it gives me something to appreciate almost every evening. There is so many reds and oranges and purples and yellows that each picture looks fake and I marvel at the results. In all honesty I'm not doing them justice with my rubbishy little camera and in years to come (when I can actually afford it) I think I'd like to splash out on a digital SLR - a compact one of course.

And finally to Arran. It sits across the water there taunting me every time I leave the house or look out the window. I hear it saying "There's no way you could cycle round me and master my hills on that road bike!" What am I to do. I suppose I should try it out. Once there is more that double figures on the thermometer I'll brave the trip to Ardrossan and put the pedels to the metle and see who comes off worse - me or a several million year old chuck of rock. Your money really had to be on the island doesn't it?
So that's it. No news, just views. Meeting Matt and KP in Glasgow tonight for dinner so at least that'll get me out of the house in something other than cycling gear or running shoes.
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