Monday, January 21, 2008

A New Beginning

Hello there my faithful readers. I'm sure by now that the only person that is fool enough to read this is me and perhaps the odd blog-surfer that distressingly stumbles upon this during a late night search through the ether that is the Net. To that person I appologise because you are not going to find anything on this but a load of my drivel and a hefty dose of uncontrolled ramblings about absolutely nothing.

So what's new? Well I'm back from Australia and the 365 is well and truely over from the website point of view. It has now had a couple of drafts written (I had to destroy the first one as is was utter crap) and should be ready for a publisher to set fire to it around March or April. Here's hoping.

In order to keep the motivation and momentum going I started this new rant-site so I could bore you all to tears with what I've been doing with my spare time and how totally committed I am to having a different life now that I've returned to the UK. It's all sport, travel and cabbage-eating from now on. You'll see... although it may take a while for this new wonderous journey of self fulfillment to get going as I've got no job and my flat is rented so I'm living with the folks - temporarily I hasten to add. I'm also skint and the Misses is travelling the world for 3 more months so in general things are not only direly boring but also incredibly miserable. So don't expect anything wonderful, inspiring or life-changing in the next few weeks.

It may take a bit longer!

Triathlon anyone?


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