So it was Isla's birthday yesterday and as part of her present we went to see Alison Goldfrapp play at the Corn Exchange in Edinburgh. I'd heard that she was supposed to be a "good performer" and Isla is a bit of a fan so I hoped that it would be a decent show.
Is wasn't.
Firstly the stage set was rubbish. It was done up a bit like an old Henry the 8th jousting tournament - but a crap one. More like an 15th century village festival than something royalty would attend.
The next thing was that it was so "start-stoppy". There seemed to be big gaps of silence between the songs and although her singing was impressive there was very little in the way of a "performance".
I hate to say it but I was totally bored. They just didn't entertain. It was a bit like watching a school band and the fact that there was zero interaction with the crowd made things even worse. Actually that's not entirely true - there was one bit where one of the guitars wasn't working and a new one had to be fetched from back stage. At this point Alison said, "Move on... We're professionals... Shit happens" and that was the extent of her chat.
Luckily (for me) Isla started feeling unwell and we ended up leaving early. I was a bit pissed off - not because we didn't see the whole show but that music artists can charge so much money for a concert like that and then put on such a lack-lustre performance.
When I think that the last show I saw at the Corn Exchange was the Prodigy it makes Goldfrapp's show even more of a let down.
Incidently, has anyone ever got money back for tickets because they didn't like the show? Seems to me that you should be able to get a refund if the concert was as pump as Alison Goldfrapp's.